Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Top 10

I have been a very VERY bad blogger. How many months has it been 2, 3 months since I've written? Oh no, wait, it's been near 5 months! Any loyal readers (I doubt there were any) have long ago forgotten this stuck in September blog. But, I have returned, and I hope with a bang! 

With New Years resolutions still desperately clinging to their less than devoted resolutioners, I've decided to share my top 10 plans for my 2014. Having received my Master's Degree in creative writing, I feel it's time to finish my novel, expand my writing and strive to become a known author. But, for the past month, I have felt stagnant, stuck in this time loop that I cannot seem to climb out of. At the same time, I'm determined to make 2014 my year. Cliche right? In all seriousness I will achieve every goal I set for myself this year and although my plans may not seem "big" or "grand" enough to disclose to the entire world, I believe the smallest of steps are the hardest to complete and therefore the most important to achieve. So here we go: 

1) Finish writing the first draft of my novel- currently on chapter 14. 
2) Get one of my short stories or poems published 
3) Update this blog weekly! 
4) Read a novel a week 
5) Go to the gym 5 times a week- I want a fit and tone body by May/June 
6) Travel as often as possible- At least 3 vacations, not including the weekend trips I want 
7) Find a job- A full time, salary paying, benefits included "big girl" position
8) Pay off my student loans 
9) Date- Am I setting myself up for failure by writing this?
10) No more fast food- McDonalds, Wendys, KFC, etc. It needs to go. 
Pretty lame? We'll see, perhaps it'll change me more than I can picture now. It's great to be back!