Sunday, July 28, 2013

Straight Vs. Curled

As mentioned on a previous post, I've been dealing with the hair dilemma all my life. From actually managing my hair to making it look decent, my battle has been an uphill one. But, in the past few years, I've juggled between curly and straight. Since letting my curls go natural, I have absolutely loved their easy to manage look. But, it seems that when I straighten my hair every month or so, EVERYONE loves it. I don't get it. Straight is just...well straight. There's no body, no motion, no sway. And when it gets oily...beware. I look like a wet Goth cat. Plus, straightening my hair takes up to an hour and lasts two weeks tops.

So why bother right? Four reasons. My hair is longer when straightened, and I love having it fall so far down my back. The colors in my hair pop, are more noticeable and the dead ends don't have an orange colored tinge because I need another dye job. I don't have to wash it, which may sound gross, but my hair is so oily, that if I wash my hair more than once a week product builds up on my scalp. Using a shower cap and keeping it dry at all times actually repels any build up. If I tried to keep my hair dry with it curly, I wouldn't even be able to style it in the morning. And last but not least, it's always nice to be able to have a different hairstyle without having to go to the salon every month. I can interchange between two basic hair styles without dropping a dime, and that is pretty nice.

But judge for yourself: Curls or Straightened? I'm sure everyone has a preference, especially when it comes to their own hair!  

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