Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Let's go Fashion: CHEAP!

Hey All,

Today I had a bit of fun shopping through all of the left over sales from President's Weekend. Commercialism was at its finest this past week or so, smashing us over the head with corny Abraham Lincoln and George Washington clips of them driving Honda's, shopping bags strung upon their arms, dancing to crazy music that never even existed while they lived. I practically risked my life driving to the mall on Sunday and Monday. All I needed were two things (one which I forgot on Sunday unfortunately and had to drive back for the next day). Let me just say that walking into a mall on a commercialized holiday that represents how materialistic our nation actually is, really is mind boggling. Literally everyone goes to the mall: to eat, to shop, to stare, to walk (sloowwwww) and to hang out. What is so amazing to us Americans about a mall? Why on earth would you bring your children there to just pass time? Bring them to a museum or read them a good book. These people, the various shopping fanatics, slow stroller pushers, window shopping wanderers, are a huge deterrent to people who have a simple plan in mind. As I made my way from one end of the mall to the next, I had to strategically walk around a family striding through as if they were at the zoo, around couples who argued about whether or not to go into Sephora, and around those great great people who loved to stop at each food vendor to get a free sample or buy a "little" snack. I cringed.

So what did I do today? Oh, I decided, "why not go shopping and look through the weekend left overs?" And actually, my plan wasn't regrettable. With everyone back to work, with children back at school, the stores were decent and only entrenched with the mini-van moms, elderly couples and people like me who just have free time on their hands to spend money they absolutely do not have. The sales weren't fantastic, but there was a good amount to search through. I stayed clear of the mall, after the traumatizing last two days, I didn't think it was necessary to go back there again. I went to Marshalls and Kohls. Kohls has always been a hit or miss for me. I tend to find their clothes pricey, unnecessarily so. But Marshalls, that has been my heaven for many years!

Granted, I found a lot of items I could've bought today if they didn't have a hole in the seam or a rip by the zipper, but that's the whole point of Marshalls; you have to search until you land in that gold mine. Now that I sound just as materialistic as the mall people I just complained about, I'm going to be honest. I am materialistic to an extent. But I'm materialistically smart, if that makes sense. I buy things when I need to or sparingly and yet I love every second of searching for clothes, trying them on and of course purchasing those winners I absolutely cannot let go of. I love fashion. Most importantly I love buying new clothes that are smaller sizes. I have been losing weight and recently lost seven pounds. It was a great excuse to spend some time and cash on myself.

What did I come out with? A new pair of jeans and an AWESOME purse. I know I know, what does the purse have to do with losing weight? Well, nothing at all, but hey, a girl's gotta have a few nice bags! But anyway, my point is, to be a strategic shopper, it's smart to look for the cheapest items at the easiest time, which is usually AFTER the holiday. Black Friday and Christmas season has some great sales, but the truly amazing mark downs don't really occur until after Christmas or even after New Year's. In the span of a day or so after the holidays, that's really the best time to drag yourself out and get everything you want for cheap. My day out was definitely worth it, and I will never EVER be as naive as to shop on holiday again (except Black Friday...because well, that's just an experience within itself).

Hope you all have enjoyed my ranting and raving. My new purse is down below :) Nine West Felicity Handbag. Shop Smart. Until next time!


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