Sunday, February 24, 2013

That Ever Present Weight

Hey All!

For the past month and a half I have been working quite hard to lose weight. I wasn't "large" per say, but the weight gain made me feel extremely uncomfortable and not being able to fit into any of my clothes wasn't a plus either. But this morning, as I stepped onto the scale, I finally reached my goal weight! Exciting is an understatement.

Since I was eight, I had weight issues. In elementary school, I was the fat and ugly girl. In middle school I wasn't much better and in high school, I was skinnier, but not fit in any sense of the word. About a year or so after graduation a I noticed a weight gain and from then on it's been an up and down cycle of gain and loss. Last spring I began my first super diet and it went great! I worked out, ate right and felt on top of the world. I was three pounds away from my ultimate weight goal and then boooommmm. I went to Europe, where I ate whatever I wanted, didn't work out and let myself completely go. But in two weeks, I didn't gain much weight because of all the walking around and busy schedule. However, when I came home, I stuck to my Europe lifestyle instead of returning to exercise and healthy food I binged on ice cream, burgers, fast food and ceased exercise all together. I not only gained what I lost back, but also gained even more. Feeling like a balloon, with more and more acne on my face as my weight increased, and with only one pair of jeans fitting me, I couldn't handle it anymore.

Weight loss is such a struggle. And it cannot be accomplished without determination. Three weeks ago I went to Florida for a few days, where I yet again, hopped off the diet. When I returned, I said to myself, "Monday you need to start working out and eating right." Monday came along and suddenly I was "too tired" to work out. Next Monday arrived and I was just "so hungry" I couldn't help but eat the delicious fatty foods. But really, I was just feeding myself excuses and now it's even harder to jump back into my healthy lifestyle.

I look at myself every morning in the mirror and have begun to see little changes here and there: my stomach getting larger, my cheeks looking chubbier, the skin on my arms sagging a bit more. When thinking how great I felt about my appearance three weeks ago as opposed to now, my will to work out is slowly returning.

Today will be the first day back on the treadmill in almost a month and although I don't want to leave the comfort of my bed, I have to push myself to get back to where I want to be. That's all exercise and dieting involves: the determination to take action. I could say I want to lose weight all I want, but at the end of the day saying doesn't really help. It's all about action. So anyone else sharing the same difficulties I feel your pain, but work through it and you'll become what you've always wanted to be!

Thanks for reading All. Until next time!


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