Monday, February 18, 2013

The First

Hey All,

Even though there's actually no one to speak to at the moment, but hopefully I'll get a following after a few posts! This blog is intended to be about everything and anything in my life; from books, to authors, to fashion, movies, employment (always a biggie in my life) and whatever else I come up with.

Sooo, a little bit about myself: I'm a 22 year old graduate student attempting to achieve a Master's in Fine Arts with a concentration on creative writing. I received my undergraduate degree at Marist College and it was there that I decided to change my ultimate career goal from lawyer to writer. My undergrad was a roller coaster for me and to make a long story short, I hated it. This past year and a half as a student of creative writing has been wonderful and amazing. I know I've chosen the right decision for my future.

But where does that leave me now? Basically I'm in my last full semester of the M.F.A. and next fall the two classes I take will solely concentrate on my thesis, which is a real publishable novel with a minimum of 150 pages. Now, I know some people may think: WHAT THE HECK?! 150 PAGES? Honestly, I'm not sweating the amount I have to write; it's all about the content for me. My novel is on my mind at all times. Writing has sincerely become my life. There's never a time I don't think about it, I don't itch for it. When I have a bad, like a crying, I hate the world type of day, all I need to do is open my laptop get to Microsoft Word and open document holding my novel. After a few hours of writing, I truly feel as if nothing can stop me, as if everything that I was upset about prior to writing means nothing at all. I think, that if I had to live alone for the rest of my life with only my pen and paper, I could be happy, or create my own happiness. Now, believe me, I'd rather not live the rest of my life with only my writing to sustain my happiness, but I know I could do it if I had to.

In a nut shell, this is me. I'm obsessed with reading and writing, especially now that school has began, I'm going into overdrive. But please, don't think this is going to be some stuffy nerd blog updated with thoughts of Shakespeare and Plato. Because it won't.On top of reading and writing, I like looking my best, feeling amazing about myself debating politics and many more things. People are complex with many different likes and dislikes. You'll be finding out all of mine and hopefully be entertained as you read it all.

Thanks for reading!


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